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怪醫 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

            主要原因反覆性壓迫力量發生在月狀骨上面.而引起重覆顯微骨折(microfracture).日久後.即造成月狀骨的缺血性壞死及塌陷.如果有尺骨太短(ulnar negative variance).更加劇此種情況. 

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Mucoid cyst

This term refers to a tumefaction which appears at the extremity of the fingers, above the nail and develops either rapidly or progressively over several years. 
It is a cyst which is synovial in nature, with its origin at the last finger joint and it is often caused by the early stages of arthrosis.

Deformation may be observed in the nail and is caused by compression of the cyst on the matrice unguéale.

The mucoid cyst is naturally benign, but can be harmful in terms of the compression or the  risk of infection it represents in presence of spontaneous ruptures.

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常常會麻到醒過來.一直甩手.在手腕甩一甩後.症狀就會緩解下來.有時手腕疼痛會輻射到前臂.手肘以及肩胛部.常常會手掌腫脹及僵硬的現象.是粉煩的疾病.1234567881011  1213141516171819202122  2324252627282930  

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abcdefgihjkmnopqrstuvw  wxyz  

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abcdeghnqstuwxyz  門診突然來個形色焦急的病人.抱怨手肘紅腫熱痛.早晨醒來以後.痛不欲生.



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1234567891011  121314151617  

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