主成分 Gemfibrozil

怪醫 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Sep 14 Sat 2013 16:57
  • 怪醫


怪醫 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Caina cream卡耐乳膏


Gramicidin 0.25m g,  Neomycin(as Sulfate) 2.5m g , Nystatin 100000Units Triamcinolone Acetonide 1m g

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2008/10/05 17:35

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怪醫 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

‧Reye's 症候群:水楊酸鹽類,尤其是 aspirin 用於患有水痘或流行性感冒的兒童及青少年,可能與產生 Reye's 症候群有關,特徵為嘔吐、嗜睡及好鬥,可能逐漸發展成譫妄及昏迷,死亡率為 20-30%,存活者可能遺留永久性腦損傷。因果關係還不明確,但美國疾病管制中心,藥物食品管理局建議患有水痘或流行性感冒的兒童及青少年應避免使用水楊酸鹽類。


‧手術病人:在手術前一週應儘量避免使用 aspirin,以防止出血。

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怪醫 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

美國藥物食品管理局現在指示,所有服用Amiodarone (Cordarone) 新舊病人,在藥局領藥時,必須同時領Amiodarone (Cordarone) 的 "Medication Guide"。雖然和其它心律不整藥相比, amiodarone 危險性相對較低,但amiodarone 仍有其藥物交互作用及副作用。

肺部損傷約影響 1%病人,且這些病人約有10%會因肺炎死亡。告知病人此可能性並要求報告呼吸困難的現象,若發生肺部損傷,需馬上停止使用此藥。


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There is an unusually rare headache subtype known as contact point headache also known as Sluder's neuralgia, anterior ethmoid neuralgia, pterygopalatine ganglion neuralgia, or sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia.

This extremely frustrating headache has caused untold suffering for numerous patients who suffer from unrelenting sharp or stabbing pain in a single localized spot on their face. It is not unusual for a patient to go for years without a diagnosis or good treatment plan that works.

They may have been seen by a number of neurologists, ENTs, dentists, oral surgeons, spine specialists, all without pain resolution. Medications that may have been tried include antibiotics, nasal sprays, neuropathy medications, steroids, narcotics, muscle relaxants, etc which don't seem to help very much. Oddly enough, the one medication that may provide the single best relief is an over-the-counter decongestant like sudafed.

MRI and CT scans do not reveal any tumor or sinus infection. In the end, patients may even be told it is all psychological or a very bad type of neuropathy.

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Triprolidine HCL (2.5mg)----抗組織胺劑,主要作用為紓解過敏症狀或止流鼻水、鼻塞、打噴嚏等症狀。
Pseudoephedrine HCL (60mg)-----鼻充血解除劑,迅速而長效的鼻充血解除劑,具收縮鼻黏膜血管、抑制充血、鼻腔腫脹功效。能治療鼻塞,促進鼻道暢通恢復自由舒適的呼吸。

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