(3)術後發作的筋膜疼痛症:可能因術前或術中對肌肉的創傷或外力,造成疼痛板機點(Trigger point),指特別痠痛且痠痛會傳導至其他部位的點。另外,在手術皮膚疤痕附近,也常發生此類筋膜疼痛症。術後疼痛,不僅造成病人的困擾,同時對醫療人員也是一大考驗,此時有賴病人與專業醫師耐心的配合,才能一步步找出治療方法。
- Etiology: pain may arise from visceral, blood vessels, nerves, bones, muscles or joints
- ligaments and muscles of the spine and annulus of the disc are all innervated and contain nociceptive nerve terminals
- most common causes of FBSS are lateral spinal stenosis, fusion overgrowth, adhesive arachnoititis, recurrent or persistent disc herniation and epidural fibrosis
- spinal instability may also cause back pain
- it is generally agreed that spondylolisthesis with 5 mm of motion on flexion and extension of the lumbar spine indicates an unstable motion segment (2-3 mm of motion is common)
- spondylolisthesis pain (commonly anterolisthesis) usually gets better when lying down
- Spondylolisthesis without a defect in the neural arch is about 10 times more common in women as in men with the most common level of subluxation occurring at the L4-5 interspace followed by L3-4 and L5-S1
- 30% of patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis will have progressive slippage
- pain may also originate from the facetmyositis, fasciitis may cause back pain that have trigger points that are palpable
- joint capsue is innervated by a medial branch of the posterior ramus of the segmental nerve and stretching of this capsule by intraarticular injections has been shown to reproduce low back pain and root tension signs with buttock and proximal leg radiation
- tends to be worse with rotation of the back or extension
- epidural scarring around the nerve roots may displace or compress the nerve roots; epidural scarring might be minimized by maintaining good hemostasis because the blood clot provides a lattice for fibroblatic proliferation and subsequent scar formation; Note: the presence or absence of scar nor the amount of scar can be correlated reliably with pain
There are many reasons that a back surgery may or may not work, and even with the best surgeon and for the best indications, spine surgery is no more than 95% predictive of a successful result.